High Republic Countdown: The Jedi–Avar Kriss

So I’ve been doing a little research on The High Republic books coming out early next year, and I’m getting really excited about it. I can’t wait to delve into this era of Star Wars, with new Jedi, new villains, and a completely new look to the galaxy we love.

In honor of that, I’m going to post a new character or concept of the High Republic every week until the first book comes out: an adult novel called Light of the Jedi, by Charles Soule. The High Republic existed about 200 years before The Phantom Menace era, and the Jedi are at the height of their power.

Avar Kriss in her Temple garb.

So let’s look at one of the new Jedi first–Avar Kriss. She’s featured on the cover of Light of the Jedi, and I’ve found a few versions of her in various clothing. The photo above is her Temple garb–just your usual Jedi robes around the Temple. I love that their robes are gold-trimmed, meticulously detailed, and much fancier and less ascetic than what we’re used to seeing on Jedi. Yes, I do believe that they’re proud of who they are and show it in their choice of dress.

Star Wars: The High Republic | StarWars.com
Avar Kriss in mission garb.

The picture above shows Avar in her mission garb, still fancy but much more utilitarian. The Jedi of this time period are often sent out on missions to the Outer Rim, which is still largely unexplored. They’ve been described as the “Star Wars Texas Rangers.”

Starwars.com describes Avar Kriss as:

“…the brightest, most noble of Jedi-hood. She always tries to see the good in people and situations, and never puts herself first. She is invigorated about life on the frontier and the challenges it brings, and is an inspiration for those who work with her. She is compassionate, not dogmatic, and is willing to sacrifice herself over others. Avar Kriss is the best of the best.”

In the next few weeks, I’ll switch up between Jedi, Padawans, villains, concepts, and anything else that comes up for the New Republic. Stay tuned!

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